Purdue Strikes Down On Negative Facebook Comments


The Boiling Point: Purdue Athletics has made it clear fans can’t write negative comments on its Facebook page.

Whoever runs the Purdue Athletics Facebook page finally had enough Saturday afternoon. Sick of people leaving negative comments and then being angry when they were deleted, the administrator left an angry message on the page. Fifty-nine people responded (at least, that’s what was there as of 2 a.m.). The question I’d like to pose is whose side are you on? Should Purdue continue to ban negative comments from its own fans? Or is Purdue going to far? 

“Comment Policy: We love your comments, but please be respectful of others. We reserve the right to delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments, and anything deemed  appropriate by the page administrators. We also reserve the right to block repeat offenders.” – Purdue Athletics Facebook

UPDATE: Purdue has posted the following on its Purdue Athletics Facebook page, apparently changing their policy of deleting anything negative.

"“Boilermakers, we’d like to thank you all for your passionate words about our program and your presence on this page. I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to know that we will refrain from deleting posts on this page that are not vulgar, profane or abusive. You will be free to share your cheers and frustrations, we will simply ask that you keep it constructive. We value your presence here and hope you continue to share your Gameday experiences with us.”"

 See the rest after the jump.