Purdue Specialists Wiggs, Webster Ranked As Best


The Boiling Point: Purdue special teamers Carson Wiggs and Cody Webster ranked.

Carson Wiggs

ESPN Big Ten Blogger Adam Rittenberg released his rankings for the Big Ten’s best kickers, punters, and returners.  Purdue’s Carson Wiggs came in at 4th for kickers and Cody Webster came in at 3rd for punter.   Rittenberg previously ranked Purdue’s special teams 5th overall.  He must not like our returners. Wiggs has become a fan favorite, particularly of the students, for hitting long field goals in pre-game warmups.  In the spring game he hit a 67 yarder.  Webster came in as a freshman and has solidified a position that has been up and down for Purdue. Here is what he had to say:

"4. Carson Wiggs, Purdue, senior: There’s no doubt as to who has the strongest leg in the Big Ten, if not the country. Wiggs can connect from just about anywhere, as he showed in April during Purdue’s spring game with a 67-yard field goal. His leg strength gets the attention, but Wiggs is a little underrated as an overall kicker. He connected on 15 of 19 attempts in 2010, going 4-for-4 between 40 and 49 yards, and had 11 touchbacks as Purdue led the Big Ten in kickoff coverage."

"3. Cody Webster, Purdue, sophomore: Webster helped Purdue address a need at punter and turned in an excellent freshman season. He finished fifth in the Big Ten in punting average (43.3 ypp), booming 17 punts of 50 yards or longer and placing 12 inside the opponents’ 20."