JaJuan Johnson Works Out For Pacers

The Boiling Point: Former Boiler JaJuan Johnson works out for Indiana Pacers

Former Purdue big man, JaJuan Johnson, worked out for the Pacers today. The Pacers have the number 15 pick in the draft. JJ isn’t projected to go that high, and the Pacers don’t really have a need for a big man, but maybe he impressed enough at the combine and the work out for them to take a chance on the Indianapolis native.

"“Most of the teams are looking at me as a (power forward), but I also don’t want to limit myself. I want to defend multiple positions, continue to work on it. In the testing I had one of the best bench presses and proved that I can bang down low,” Johnson said after working out Thursday for the Pacers."

Also joining Johnson in the workout were Josh Shelby, Corey Fisher, Justin Harper, Darius Morris, and Chris Wright. Larry Bird was in attendance watching the workouts.