St. Louis Writer: Painter To Mizzou

The Boiling Point: A St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist is reporting Painter recently informed Missouri he would be its next basketball coach.

Bernie Miklasz, columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, is reporting that Matt Painter recently informed Missouri’s athletic director that he will be their next basketball coach. I don’t know how reliable this is, and as he says nothing is official yet, but here’s the quote:

"It looks like this will be a happy day for Mizzou fans.Not official; nothing announced.But a source that I greatly trust tells me that Painter is in … it’s my understanding that Alden recently got the call.Hopefully there will be an announcement relatively soon. And then you can officially celebrate.Likely news conference later this afternoon.Don’t be surprised to see Painter at Busch Stadium Thursday to be introduced before the game."