Bubba Day In Battle For Final Four

The Boiling Point: Bubba Day is one win away from the Final Four of ESPN’s Coolest Name tournament. Vote now to keep Cinderella alive!

Ladies and gentlemen, the clock hasn’t struck midnight yet! Cinderella is still alive! Bubba Day advanced to the Elite Eight of ESPN’s Coolest Name tournament with a dominating win over Princeton’s Ian Hummer. Up next, the No. 15-seeded Bubba Day will battle No. 1-seed Skylar McBee for a trip to the Final Four. I’m making this whole paragraph a link so it’s easy for you to vote.

Bubba’s competition is a No. 1-seed for a reason. To start, he definitely has the Justin Bieber fans on his side, and if you’ve ever been on Twitter you know how those girls (and boys, I guess?) can rock the vote.

However, McBee only beat Gus Leeper of Arkansas-Little Rock 62%-38% to advance, while Bubba just dominated, so this is doable.