Three Famous Alums From All 68 Schools


The Boiling Point: Purdue and every other school in NCAA Tournament has at least three”famous” alums. Yahoo sports made a list.

Yahoo! Sports made a list of three famous alums from every school in the NCAA tournament. Now, their definition of “famous” is pretty broad, but after reading the list I was definitely proud of Purdue. I’d say the Boilers have the best list, even better than Princeton.

"Purdue 1. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. 2. Eugene Cernan, last man to walk on moon, 3. John Wooden, legendary basketball coach who won 10 national titles at UCLA."

USC apparently had Neil Armstrong listed too, but people pointed out both schools had him and the undergrad won. I’ll take it, especially since now they have John Wayne, Marcus Allen and George Lucas. Not a bad list of guys, but not that impressive academically.

Now obviously I’m a little biased, but compared to some of these other “famous” alums that’s pretty damn good. For example, Arizona lists one of the Kardashian sisters that are famous because their sister made a sex tape. Tons of schools had people that are famous for stuff they didn’t need school for, necessarily, such as actors and athletes. Purdue? We’ve got astronauts and Wooden. Bazinga.