St. Peter’s Continues To Demonstrate Confidence


The Boiling Point: No. 14-seed St. Peter’s guard Nick Leon says the Peacocks don’t need to worry about Purdue, Purdue needs to worry about them.

“We’re not focused on matching up with them. They need to focus on matching up with us,” St. Peter’s senior guard Nick Leon told papers after hearing the Peacocks would face Purdue in the NCAA Tournament.

Now, I know people want their senior guards to have confidence, but this may be pushing it. You’re a senior, man. That’s just a stupid comment. I don’t care if what he meant was the more diplomatic, “We just have to focus on our game.” comment that people usually make. What he said just sounds… bad. Perhaps St. Peter’s can hire Chris Kramer to come lead a PR seminar after his NBDL season is done. Dude was great at talking a lot without ever actually saying anything. Coachspeak, Politicianspeak, whatever you want to call it. He dominated it.

Hell, maybe Leon can just learn from teammate Ryan Bacon:

"“Where I come from, I was taught to never back down from a challenge,” said Peacocks 6-7, 205-pound senior forward Ryan Bacon, a Maplewood product, who’ll guard Johnson. “I’m just embracing the opportunity. He’s not superhuman.”"