Purdue Pete Ranked 6th Among NCAA Mascots, Reamers Likely Outraged


The Boiling Point: Purdue Pete was ranked No. 6 in a FoxSports ranking of the 68 mascots in the NCAA Tournament.

FoxSports ranked the 68 mascots of schools competing in the NCAA Tournament and had Purdue Pete come in at No. 6. Now, before a bunch of Reamers have heart attacks, I know the Boilermaker Special is the OFFICIAL mascot of Purdue, but I have to tell you, nobody cares but you. People associate Purdue Pete with Purdue sports and the Boilermaker special with a logo. Sorry. I respect what you do, but get over it.

The only time I’m on your side is when people do those “Battle of the Mascots” things. Let’s be honest, it’s hard to take down a train.

Michigan State’s Sparty was No. 1 and ND’s Leprechaun came in at No. 64:

"Let the hate mail begin! While plenty of our fine readers surely will disagree, we just aren’t inspired by a guy in a green suit. Notre Dame’s Leprechaun is iconic and fits the Fighting Irish name perfectly, but he’s not scoring any points in the creativity department."