Paint Crew Declines Offer To Team Up At Big Ten Tourney


The Boiling Point: Maize Rage taking flack for recruiting other student sections.

To make Conseco Fieldhouse more of a college atmosphere, the Big Ten has started giving each school sections designated for their students. Each team will get up to 150 tickets, usually at a heavily discounted price. My high-up source in the Paint Crew, who may or may not be related to me, said they went for around $25 for an all-session pass. Money. This is going to be my fourth year in a row going to the tourney and last year was the first time they had the sections. It was great seeing who teamed up with who.

As of Sunday, the Maize Rage (Michigan’s student section) was busy trying to team up with other student sections. It’s already gotten Nittany Nation (Penn State) to join up, but wasn’t as successful getting the Paint Crew’s services.

"No RT @UMMaizeRage Some of our members are discussing the possibility of a tri-alliance with you. Any interest? #BTTProbably not RT @UMMaizeRage @Nittany_Nation we are probably gonna be top 3 student secs there.#BTT"

And how about the Nut House’s (O$U) response to the Maize Rage asking the Paint Crew?

"Hah! Support YOUR team UM. #theyneedit RT @ThePaintCrew No. RT @UMMaizeRage Discussing possibility of a tri-alliance with you. Any interest?"

Guess that answers what they think of the Maize Rage. The Izzone (Michigan State) did take pity on Michigan’s student section and asked it to team up, but the Maize Rage responded with “lol.” What has the world come to where Michigan can deny anything with Michigan State?

One thing the Maize Rage did confirm is how the Crimson Guard (Indiana) will pretty much not be there with their giant heads – their actual heads and the cardboard ones.

"@UMMaizeRage We’re on Spring Break at the end of this week. Not sure how many we’ll have theredoesn’t that mean even more should be coming? RT @iucrimsonguard @hystericalIU We’re on Spring Break, not sure how many we’ll have there."

Also, for whatever reason IUPUI is having its student section, The Red Zone, there. It should be interesting to see what comes of these sections teaming up. Look for a post after each round summarizing events outside the game including who teams up with who.