The Boiling Part: In Part Two of our fourth Podcast, Zach and Leroy talk with Paint Crew President Tom Nielsen.
The crew from welcomes back Paint Crew President Tom Nielsen to talk about the Paint Crew’s trip to Indiana’s Assembly Hall, as well as clarify a controversial Tweet sent out after the game and what really happened as the Purdue buses were rolling out of Bloomington. Also discussed are the student section not rushing the court against Ohio State and plans for senior night against Illinois.
Also, the Paint Crew vs. Izzone Charity Challenge ends Sunday, so go here to get an update on the standings, as well as donate to the cause. Remember, all the money goes to charity, win or lose. Also, two years ago the Izzone received a last-minute $10,000 gift to win, so keep donating no matter what the standings say.
Download this podcast here, or listen below. Hear part one of this podcast here.