Jason King Writes Required Robbie Hummel Story


The Boiling Point: Yahoo! Sports writer Jason King wrote a story about Robbie Hummel dealing with his injury. Same story you’ve read 10 times this year.

You knew it was coming, right? Yahoo! Sports is just about the only major media outlet to not talk to Robbie Hummel about his injury and recovery. Well, better late than never, I suppose, because Jason King filed this today: “Hummel Weathers The Hurt.”

There’s not much new in the article. He hopes to be cleared by May. He’s doing rehab. Blah Blah Blah. Oh, and he’s on a diet, because, you know, he figures maybe that’ll help him get the ONE girl on campus that doesn’t already want him? (Just kidding, I’m told he has a girlfriend. But you get my point)

"“You start eating a bunch of pizza when you’re not working out, and the weight comes on pretty fast,” he said. “I’ve been lifting really hard but I’ve actually thinned out a bit. I feel like I’m just as strong but I’m carrying less weight.“It feels good to get my body right again. I just keep thinking to myself, ‘I want to do everything I can to succeed next year.’”"