Bob Kravitz Still Thinks IU Is Improving


The Boiling Point: IndyStar colunnist Bob Kravitz wrote a column about IU’s expectations for next season. The day after Purdue beat IU two weeks ago, he did the same thing.

Bob Kravitz isn’t always a well-liked guy, but that’s his job as a columnist. Anyway, today he wrote a column about Indiana’s expectations for next year. That’s apparently what he took away from last night’s game. “Expectations for IU expand next season” was the headline.

After the last Purdue-IU game, about two weeks ago, Kravitz’s column “IU shows signs of narrowing Purdue’s talent gap” was published. I’m to the point now, where I just want to say, “I get it, Bob. You think they’ll improve.” I mean, to quote Bo Ryan, you can only beat a horse so many times.

If you want to read the columns, there’s the link. I’m not even going to quote from them, because all they do is give excuses as to why Purdue’s 2007 recruiting class produced more as frosh/sophs than IU’s 2009 class.