PUNY? It Could Happen


The Boiling Point: Purdue is one of 20 schools in the running for a remote campus in New York City’s Central Park, which would offer graduate programs.

I know this is a sports web site, but I thought this was pretty cool, so I’m posting it. Purdue is apparently one of 20 schools putting in a bid to open a remote campus in Central Park. The office of NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg apparently asked Purdue to consider developing a research campus focused on applied science, engineering and commercialization.

"“New York City is apparently interested in something Indiana already has with Purdue — a center for science and engineering innovation,” Purdue President France Córdova said Monday during a Faculty Senate meeting on the West Lafayette campus. “Purdue is one of a select few institutions that New York City officials are talking to about creating a high-profile branch campus in New York City. There are potential benefits to Purdue and Indiana that could come from having a location in the global capital of financial and international affairs.”"