It’s A Party In Mackey


As I’m sure many of you have seen and heard, O$U’s own Aaron Craft, Jon Diebler, and Jared Sullinger did karaoke to Miley Cyrus’ Party in the USA. They claimed they thought it was only going to be shown at O$U’s home games. They must have forgotten that technology exists and there was no way it wasn’t going to be put on YouTube.

Craft sounds like he’s going through puberty and Diebler becomes Biebler. Though it seems like those two were forced to participate, Sullinger was all for it. He said on ESPN’s College Gameday that he sometimes plays the song on repeat. Judging from how much he whines on the floor maybe he’s picking up the immaturity from his fellow teen fans of Miley. Time to put down the Tiger Beat Sully.

The Paint Crew was on their “A” game today and let Sullinger know that his secret pleasure is now out in the open.