Paint Crew Continues To Impress

The Boiling Point:

When people talk about the best student sections in the country, they always bring up the Cameron Crazies at Duke and the Oakland Zoo at Pittsburgh, but the Paint Crew has been climbing that ladder of the best student sections during the past five seasons. Mike DeCourcy of The Sporting News likes the Paint Crew the best.

"Q: Speaking of Madtown: Where do you most enjoy watching the fans be fans? DeCourcy: On one hand, I’m partial to Pittsburgh’s Oakland Zoo because, having grown up in what was then a virtual desert of basketball interest, I’d never have imagined my town turning onto the game with such ferocity. I enjoy Duke’s Cameron Crazies when they’re not shedding too much blue body paint on my laptop, and Kansas’ Allen Fieldhouse is the best pure basketball arena. But I continue to be amazed by the overwhelming collective enthusiasm of Purdue’s black-clad Paint Crew. They’re loud. They’re clean. They make a difference for their team. And there are so doggone many of them."

Good work, Paint Crew. Let’s hope it makes a quality difference in both monster home games this week.