Brees Puts His Management Degree To Work


The Boiling Point: Purdue grad Drew Brees is playing an essential role during the NFL’s collective bargaining agreement negotiations, as he is respected by owners as a level-headed and decent guy.

Drew Brees is a quarterback, but he’s also a Purdue grad with a degree in management. With an NFL lockout looming, he’s relying less on the former and more on the latter in order to keep his – and every other NFL player’s – livelihood alive according to a story from CBS Sports.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Brees is one of the top quarterbacks in the game.

"“He’s one of the most important people in this fight,” said a person with intimate knowledge of the negotiations. “He’s among the toughest and the most liked. That’s a great combination.”"

"“It is hard. A lot of people, I think I’ve heard the phrase ‘billionaires vs. millionaires.’ The fact is it’s business, especially when you talk about collective bargaining in general when you get into these agreements,” Brees told the media recently. “This is a multi-billion dollar business. We’re approaching $10 billion in business annually in the NFL. There’s a lot at stake and that there is absolutely an agreement to be reached that’s fair for both sides. It’s just a matter of reaching that. It just happens that this is played on a global scale, or at least just within the media a very public scale so that everybody is paying very close attention to this. It’s the most popular sport in the country. No one wants to see this game taken away even for a small period of time. We all want to play.”"